• Novembro 22, 2021

Swa Enterprise Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

If you`re a business owner or a manager of a large company, you may have already heard of the SWA enterprise agreement (EA). The SWA EA is a collective agreement negotiated between an employer and its employees or their representatives, which sets the terms and conditions of employment for a specific group of workers. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what the SWA enterprise agreement is, and provide you with everything you need to know.

What is the SWA Enterprise Agreement?

The SWA Enterprise Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment between an employer and its employees. This agreement is negotiated between the employer and employee representatives and is legally binding once it has been approved by the Fair Work Commission.

The primary purpose of the SWA Enterprise Agreement is to provide a framework for the employees and employers to work together and ensure that everyone is clear on their rights and responsibilities. This agreement covers a range of employment-related issues, including pay rates, working hours, overtime, leave entitlements, and other benefits.

Who is covered under the SWA Enterprise Agreement?

The SWA Enterprise Agreement is applicable to all employees who are covered by the SWA award. This agreement provides specific guidelines and regulations that determine the minimum conditions of employment in the SWA industry. SWA industry covers the following sectors:

– Cleaning services

– Security services

– Horticulture industry

– Laundry services

– Car Parking sector

What are the benefits of having an SWA Enterprise Agreement?

For employers, the benefits of having an SWA Enterprise Agreement include:

1. Improved productivity: An enterprise agreement can improve employee morale, which can lead to higher productivity levels and improved business performance.

2. Increased flexibility: An enterprise agreement can provide employers with more flexibility to manage their workforce, which can result in better staffing arrangements and increased efficiency.

3. Better bargaining power: By negotiating an enterprise agreement, employers can have greater bargaining power with employees and their representatives.

For employees, the benefits of having an SWA Enterprise Agreement include:

1. Enhanced job security: An enterprise agreement can provide employees with greater job security and stability.

2. Improved terms and conditions: An enterprise agreement can provide employees with better pay rates, working conditions, and other benefits.

3. Collective bargaining: An enterprise agreement can provide employees with a collective bargaining platform, which can help them to negotiate better working conditions and benefits.

How to negotiate an SWA Enterprise Agreement?

Negotiating an SWA Enterprise Agreement can be a complex and time-consuming process. To do it correctly, it is essential to have a good understanding of the SWA award and its regulations.

The following are the steps to negotiate an SWA Enterprise Agreement:

1. Establish the negotiating team: The negotiating team should consist of representatives from the employees and employer.

2. Determine your priorities: Before negotiating, determine what you want to achieve from the agreement. Priorities can include pay rates, working hours, leave entitlements, and other benefits.

3. Gather data: Collect data and information on the current employer-employee relationships, working conditions, and other relevant data.

4. Develop proposals: Develop proposals that meet your priorities. Be prepared to make concessions and to compromise.

5. Negotiate the agreement: Negotiate the terms and conditions of the agreement with employee representatives and reach a mutually beneficial outcome.

6. Lodge the agreement: Once the agreement is negotiated, it needs to be lodged with the Fair Work Commission for approval.


The SWA Enterprise Agreement is an essential tool for employers and employees to work together to create a fair and equitable employment environment. It is a complex process, but the benefits of having an enterprise agreement can be significant. If you`re considering negotiating an SWA Enterprise Agreement, it is important to consult with experienced advisors and legal experts to ensure that you get the best outcome for your business.